

Engineering, Design & Construction

By offering a full spectrum of Engineering, Design, and Construction services, we ensure that your ammonia refrigeration projects are executed with precision and excellence.

PSM & Compliance

Helping you navigate the Process Safety Management (PSM) and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requirements. Promoting safety, educating, and transparency for safe operation of your systems.

24 Hour Service

Our technicians are highly trained professionals who focus on offering timely solutions suited to your specific needs. Put 100+ years of experience to work as part of your team.

Parts & Equipment

Here to help you with the parts you need. Regular maintenance, upgrades, or a breakdown – we’ve got you covered.

Screw Compressor

Let us help mitigate the risk of abrupt and catastrophic events. Reducing unscheduled down time, and extend the life of your refrigeration system.

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Vibration Monitoring & Oil Analysis

Oil analysis is a vital tool for maintaining the health and efficiency of your screw compressors.

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work with us?


The Louis A. Roser Company is the preferred choice of the Salt Lake City Costco Depot for a wide range of projects including a recent expansion with energy efficient measures and an upgraded control system. Please click on the photo on the right to see more photos and a detailed description of this project.
